Nurse:Are you feeling ok
Me: (about to barf) *shaking my head violently NO!* (bad idea)
Nurse: Do you feel sick?
Me: I think I'm dying
Nurse: Do you feel really hot?
Me: (shaking my head no because up to this point I didn't feel really hot, possibly because the air is up so high in that dang room in the first place I still had to thaw out. The shaking of my head quickly turns to nodding because all of the sudden I break out in a cold sweat, all of a sudden I'm super hot!)
Nurse: (calls another guy over therefore two more people come over (other guy has to feel important right?) One of them gets me an ice pack to put on my neck, the other guy gets me a small little cup of water)
Male Nurse: Drink this slowly.
Me: (inhales the water) Can I get one more please?
Pointless Nurse: Do you feel like you are going to throw up or pass out?
Me: Both
Pointless Nurse: You need to slow down your breathing, you are breathing too fast.
Me: (I try to breathe slower, but it doesn't really work out so hot, it basically stays at the same pace)
Pointless Nurse: Not slow enough, breathe with me, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
Me:(finally slow my breathing to a human rate.)
Pointless nurse: Oh good, you'll be fine.
Nurse: (is holding my arm making sure if I pass out my needle isn't ripped out of my arm) you'll be alright in a second I just have to hold your arm until you feel completely better. Don't worry this happens to alot of people their first time.
Oh Good! The way everyone was staring at me like a fish in a bowl I thought this was a random special occasion. It was super embarrassing. I felt weak. I also began to think that it almost never happens because every time I'm there I definitely look for that struggling newcomer so I can possibly meet their eye, give them a look of comfort, like "I've been where you are, it's going to be ok, you're going to pull through." I've only ever see one person react the way I did, once. Ever.
So after my little "episode" I had my roommate come pick me up from the plasma center, no way was I going to make it on foot. I had forgotten about a test that I needed to take and it was the last day my test was open so I had her drop me off at the testing center. The testing center has an unnecessarily long and steep set of stairs leading up to it. So of course when I finally reached the top after several pit stops along the way I pretty much felt sick to my stomach again. To my chagrin the line was out the door. 20 painful minutes later I was in the testing room with my test that I wasn't really ready to take in the first place. I sat down and begin filling out the questions. About 10 questions in I thought I was going to barf. You know how your mouth waters right before you barf and that's how you know? Well that's what was going on. I thought I was going to vomit all over my test. Not only would I have to pay the 5 dollars for ruining a test booklet but I would forever be embarrassed the rest of my life. I put my head down hoping that the feeling would pass. It subsided. I sat back up. It returned. I knew then that I was not going to be able to take my time and finish the test to the best of my ability. I circled C down the scantron, that's supposed to be the most used test answer is it not? I literally ran out the door into the bathroom and almost upchucked everywhere. I sat there with my face against the cool tile of the bathroom wall, not even caring what nastiness could be lurking there. I was miserable. I made it home, and pretty much didn't move the rest of the day.

Thankfully I have not had a repeat of my first time. I do feel a little lightheaded some days, but other than that no big deal. It's all good. I get 50 bucks in my pocket a week and I get to watch a movie every time I go. It's usually a pretty decent one too. However I would like a real job, SOON!