Friday, November 14, 2008

R! S! T!

For those of you who don't know what RST is it stands for Ready Set Teach. It's a program through the school that allows juniors and seniors to be an intern in the world of education. I do want to be a teacher. I have since I was little (well after I realized a store checker wouldn't get me very far with only 8 bucks an hour, come on I was 4) so upon coming to this school I decided to enroll in this class which is suppose to help you learn to work with children and also to give you a little bit of firsthand experience in the teaching field. Well today was our second visit to our assigned classes,my first visit wasn't what I had expected, I sat in the back of the class room and graded papers for the teacher I was helping, I didn't get to talk to the class and Mrs. * didn't talk to me all that much either. So I didn't have very good feelings toward the teacher I was stuck with. I was supposed to help the kids with their work and eventually teach them a few lessons. So today I didn't expect much from it. Well I went today and we started out in the computer lab. It started out good and Mrs. * said i could walk around and help the kids with their math games and talk to them a little bit just to get to know them better. So I walked around and talked to some of the kids. I am in a 3rd grade class and the kids are only about 8 and 9 so they are still young and cute. Then the little boy that I was talking to needed help on his game so I went over. This class is a math class, which btw is my worst subject ever but hey it's 3rd grade right? can't be too hard can it? Well apparently it can. He was playing a math game which was based on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" and the computer asks you math related questions and you have to try to answer them and get up to a million dollars. So the question was about decimals, you had to choose the decimal with a 6 in the tenths place and a 7 in the thousandths place. and the numbers were .067 .607 .760 and .067 So not really thinking i said it's .067....well that was wrong. I totally had a brain fart and thought that there was a ones place in decimals...well there technically is but not to the right of the he got it wrong and he was one away from getting the million dollar prize...I felt bad and I was like "I'm so sorry buddy I didn't think about it enough" he was nice though and was like it's ok, you did your best, so then i was like "aww this little kid is so cute." they all were. So then after we left the computer lab I went with them back to their class and i took the lower math group outside to work on their division. There was this little boy who was such a cute kid but he had ADHD and he forgot to take his medication that morning (or so Mrs. * had told me anyways) and so he could not focus to save his life he was funny though. He would be talking about one thing and just in the middle of it all he would all of a sudden change was so funny. After that we went back to school and my day went back to being boring.

I was also the cow yesterday, this time I was actually at chick-fil-a though. It was really fun and all the kids were attacking me and pulling my tail and trying to lift up the shirt on the cow so they could "see who was really underneath there" so I had to dissapear for a bit until things calmed down a bit. Then we all had a chicken dance competition and it was way fun. It was muey caliente in there though.

well I'm off to the library to find some good books.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Cow goes Moo

So it's been a while since I've updated this...I know I know I have no excuse even if this is like the 1st time I've had more than an hour on the computer all week. Well I would first like to inform all of you (two people who actually read this) that I have been unofficially promoted to team leader at Chick- Fil-A. I know hold your applause. I say unofficial because all of the candidates for the position are doing the work of team leader but only a few will actually become one. So wish me luck. I would also like to inform you that I am the new cow at the Chick-Fil-A events that we do (football games, promo events, parties, etc.) So next time you see that CFA cow kicking a field goal at the UT games it might just be me.

I got a car...I don't know if that has been mentioned previously but I did. It is a White 2001 Ford Escort. It's a trusty little car and while I didn't like it at first I've grown fond of it and I like zipping around town in it. It is white though which was probably my biggest problem at first. White in my opinion is a waste of a paint well it isn't even a color it is the absence of one. I know that white is the color of purity and all, which makes sense so i'm not dogging white, it's a nice...fake...color, Purity is the absence of evil therefore colors are evil and it makes sense that white would signify purity...that's probably why the amish wear white and black....cuz they think colors are evil...which is odd but no offense to them, not that they'd ever read this because of the whole no technology thing.

So it is 11 o clock and i'm pretty tired and I should go to bed before I get really tired so that I can't wake up for seminary tomorrow and then I am grounded from my little color deprived car. I'll just end with the story of my day yesterday. So I woke up at 6:30 to my mom screaming "BRIANNA YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK!" So then I sit up freaking out and I look at my clock to see just how late I am and I realize that I am not late. I was supposed to be to work at 7 am yesterday to don my Cow suit and go dance like a fool with little children who are somewhat afraid of me. Seeing as how it was only 6:30 i told my mom to stop screaming I still had 30 minutes to get there. To be fair I can see how she thought I was late, you see even though daylight savings time was last Sunday my clock still reads the time from before it ended. I do not change my clock to match the time changes of daylight savings time...I think it is a waste of two or three minutes (depending if the minute has just changed and I have to wait for the next minute to be as close to the time on my phone as possible) I alsp think it helps me to get up on time better, you see, I wake up at 5:45 every morning. So when I in fact hear my alarm clock go off and my clock says 6:45 I think I am late and I hurry, it is a way that I trick myself into being on time for seminary. Then of course when DST begins my clock is already where it is supposed to be just in time for summer when I lose all care of what time it is. Anyways so I leave for work in my gym shorts and my spiffy CFA shirt and I get there at 7. I end up having to wait for a bit and then we are off to The Cowboy Jesus Breakfast. I do not call it that in any disrespect to the Savior that is actually what the event was called. Anyway I helped set up our booth where we were handing out free breakfast chicken biscuit sandwiches and then I changed into the cow. I believe I'm much like superman. I walk into the bathroom a regular person and I come out completely transformed into someone that makes people happy (with a few exceptions that are afraid of me, i mean come on I am a GIANT COW after all you can't help but feel a little nervous) The cow suit, let me tell you, is probably my favorite position to be in for a few reasons. 1) I don't have to wear my uniform 2) I don't have to talk to people that make me mad 3) I get to act and dance like a fool and no one knows who I am (aside from the people I work with but in that case it's a good thing) So they had a live band there playing Christian country songs when the manager is like "Bree go out and dance with the little kids" So of course I do, this is a hard task seeing as how I am a giant cow and the shoes I have to wear are like wearing those swimming flippers where you can't walk heel to toe because they are so huge and you have to really life your knees to dance. I am clumsey enough without adding a huge cow head and flipper size cow "hoofs" luckily I made it through the event without falling on my face. I'm trying to acquire some of the pictures so as to be able to add them on here. You will know when I have succeded. Well thanks for tuning in to the whole story if you've made it this far. More Cow tales to come. ( I think i'm doing another event on Saturday) Keep it Real