Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Without Further Ado...

Hello reader!
I apologize for my extended absence from the blogosphere. I would list all of the reasons that I haven't blogged in...a year(?) but it all boils down to I'm lazy and don't have exciting things to blog about. HOWEVER, I have decided that I am going to blog about things that are probably rather unexciting. This will accomplish nothing other than making me happy because I enjoy writing and I no longer care if my blog is entertaining for all. My apathy is overwhelming and I am solely writing for my own entertainment. So there. Deal with it. That being said I won't be writing much in this post. I will however be writing more often. If I'm lying I don't know it yet and I currently fully intend to write frequently. Here is just a small preview of what is to come.

Welcome to Hell- A story entailing gruesome details when our house was hit by lightening while we were on vacation. Get excited it's a stinker.

Life in Debtor's prison-not very exciting, but it needs to be told

These are a few of my favorite things-All about me...if you're reading my blog in the first place you must be somewhat curious. Feel free to post questions in the comments below and I will be sure to address them.

I had a few more posts in mind, but I don't remember them at the moment. Tune in next time for a completion of at least one of those.


Bree you still read this? If so HELLO! I miss you :)