So I've moved! If you're reading this and you're like "what when did that happen?" you are disowned as my friend cuz i've been gone for like 2 weeks. I know it's been awhile since I got on last, but i've been pretty busy (that's a lie I've done nothing for 2 weeks) and Leander is just so great I don't miss McKinney at all (that's an even bigger lie, I hate Leander (ok hate's a strong word) and I miss Mckinney more than anything...specially Hannah Hagee and Lorin and everyone else I know like Harrison) We finally unpacked our house...pretty sure I said we moved to Cedar Park (I gotta stop lying...we live in Leander) Our house is great and all but it's just not the same. My room will be super cool though. I've made like 5 friends...they're all guys cuz they are nicer and talk to me unlike the girls. I met this guy who looks like Harry Potter and Dr. Crane from Batman mixed in one. I think he's so cute...nice too. Yeah me and this other kid i met are gonna start a band (with two members haha) it'll be awesome. I still miss everyone from Mckinney and school really has been tough without all of em an such. Oh so I have a story to tell...STORY MINUTE!!
Ok so my mom and I decide to go running (yes i did run thank you) and i'm all gettin my shoes on and stuff and I've got my Ipod all ready to go and I'm excited and gonna have this new running schedule so i can have some physical excercise in my mind (I've ran once since and this was two wednesday's ago) and so I'm walking down the driveway and something leaps out of the grass (bout as big as a computer the normal sized ones you see at school, not like those huge ones that you control with the ball that sits on top of it or anything) and I step on it becuase my reflexes are slow and all and i didn't have time to move my foot. So i step on this unidentified object like with all 100lbs (give or take 30, prefer you'd take) of me and I hear this nasty squelching sound (kinda sounded like....I don't even know what it sounded like it was the most horrible noise ever) and i had my ipod on and i was listening to it so that should tell you how loud this noise was...and i was like "woah what was that? what did i just step on?" So like without thinking I totally reach down to grab it (what was i thinking?!?!?!)_ So i touch it with two of my fingers when my eyes suddenly focus in the dark...IT WAS A FROG! I had totally just killed a frog and then touched it...I didn't even just kill it...i squished it...I felt so bad and sick I seriously almost puked right then and there....I had trouble holding it down. It was the most nasty moment of my life....even worse than the time we dissected frogs in class (cuz i didn't have to touch it) After the sickness passed and i was running i just felt so guilty for killing it...I was so sad even though i don't like was horrible...Poor Frog. On a Happier note I might be getting a car pretty soon and I'm looking for a job so hopefully I get that too. Well that's all i've got today. OH i've started Midnight Sun from Stephenie Meyer's site...IT'S AMAZING!!!! I might even like it better than Twilight. I'm so mad about whoever leaked the draft online Edward's fury towards the men who wanted to kill Bella when she went with Jess and Angela is nothing compared to what i want to do to them (well ok that was a little intense but i'm still mad and if ever faced with the person who did it I would probably just glare at them intensely from afar) It makes me mad though. Poor Steph...I love her writing, it's so amazing. I've decided to start collecting autographs....I start Monday =) G'Night loves....