Well I am in Colorado. First of all let me point out that I LOVE Colorado. It is my favorite state in this country (well to be fair it's my favorite state I've ever been to). It's so pretty here, the weather is enjoyable most of the time, it actually snows here (I sure do miss the snow) and the mountains are GORGEOUS! It also helps that the majority of my mom's family lives here (nothing against my dad's family, they just live in Utah mainly...a little bit less desirable in my opinion. I love them all the same though!) Well I am here for a family reunion that begins on Thursday and let me tell you I am VERY excited about it. This is the first reunion that my mom's family has ever had so you see there is reason to celebrate. Well I'll have to blog about the reunion later (obviously if I blogged about it now it would be all made up) but I was just being bored and I decided to blog about my day at church. I've always kind of hated visiting other people's wards because I am slightly socially awkward around strangers, I'm not good at making new friends, and people tend to ignore me (especially the people my age). Don't get me wrong I love the church and all, and I know it's true wherever I go, but it's just slightly uncomfortable for me. Since I turned 18 last month however, I was actually excited to go. I didn't have to sit through the awkwardness of introducing myself to the YW who probably wouldn't try to get to know me anyway, I didn't have to tell people what my name was 100 times and have to hear them pronounce it Bree-yawn-a rather than Bree-Anne-A like it should be, and I didn't have to be on the recieving end of awkward stares as people tried to assess me. I would be able to go to relief society and maybe introduce myself once and sit down and be done with it. Truth be told I was rather looking forward to it. After some deliberation I decided to go to church with my aunt and her family rather than my grandparents (it was 9am opposed to 1pm, I like going earlier geez) turns out that my aunt is the nursery leader (she watches the little kids under the age of 4) So instead of going to relief society I got an even better gig in the Nursery! I didn't have to introduce myself to anyone! Half the kids wouldn't even talk, and they certainly wouldn't judge me! I love little kids. I have like 10 younger siblings (ok so it's really 4), I sort of want to teach kindergarten when I grow up, I love babies, and I love babysitting. So as you may have guessed I was kind of in Heaven in this little class. I always hear people in my church bashing the job of nursery teacher. I never understood it because in my eyes that would be the best calling ever! you get snack, you can play with a million toys, the kids are all the cutest things you've ever seen and the only drama in there is "he took my toy!" while I still think that calling is the best the church has to offer I suppose I can see why some people detest it. First of all we had at least one child crying at all times (not to mention the one time where they all started crying at the same moment) second of all that drama I was talking about earlier...the "he took my toy" comment, well that happened every second of the 2 hours we were in there and I just want to point out that it was usually "she took my toy" man little girls can be so brutal. Third of all we went on a nature walk to find animals. I would like to point out that the only "animals" to be found in a church parking lot are ants...we also saw a bird fly by but other than that...not alot goin on out there. As for the ants...well...may they rest in peace. My little cousin was in that class and as all of the other kids were gandering at the ant she came by and squashed it. Poor little guy didn't even know what hit em. Then it became a game of ant-slaughter. The kids were pretty hilarious though. Kids really do say the darndest things though. Here are just a few things I heard while tending the little de..angels. ;)
My aunt: "Do you have a dog? or a cat? or a fish?"
little boy: "I have a banana"
upon picking up my little cousin she said "you stink!"
me: "my breath stinks or I stink?"
cousin: "oh, no it's my blanket"
she then proceeded to continue smelling her blanket and making disgusted faces
little girl: "I have a poopie!"
me: "uh do you need to go to the bathroom?"
little girl: "no, my poopie says woof!"
(I didn't stop laughing for a good 5 minutes)
The same kid who said he had a banana "hey hey guys"
(upon reading that I guess it doesn't really sound funny, but he had such a cute little voice and said duys instead of "guys" it was the first thing he said as he walked into the room and I thought it was soo cute)
I can't think of anything else but I was certainly entertained the entire two hours.
We also attempted a game of Duck, Duck, Goose. Apparently 3 is too young to teach kids such a...difficult? game. We sat in a circle and I explained the game in the simplest way I could think of. We started playing and I was it first to demonstrate. I chose my cousin to chase me and she started chasing me, and then another got up and started chasing me, and then another, and then another...finally the whole class was up...and well that was the last time we attempted that.
Overall I enjoyed my experience and I think I would like to be called as a nursery leader one day. It sure does test your patience. I guess I'll get back on here sometime next week (unless nothing bloggable happens at our reunion) Au revoir!