Recently I've been spending a lot of time at Wal-Mart. I've decided it's a terrible place to go when I'm bored, but at the same time I really love it there. I don't mean to put Wal-Mart down, it really is a wonderful place. I mean without it would we be able to enjoy things like this?I think not. The problem is though I tend to spend money at Wal-Mart. All those dang rollback prices get me every time!
So today on my latest Wal-Mart adventure I saw a magnificent sight...between the apples and the pears guessed APPLE-PEAR! You think they'd come up with another name for it like the "peaple" or the "appear" but no it's an "apple-pear" Behold!
I knew at once that I had to try this odd looking fruit just because it was so strange. It slightly resembled a potato but you could tell that it's parents must've been a pear and an apple. They were each individually wrapped in a small Styrofoam casing (that's when I knew they were really special) At $1.47 each I bought myself an apple-pear and eagerly took it home so I could partake in it's bizarre goodness. Well I'll tell you what. That fruit, my friends, is a hybrid FAIL! Apples and I are pretty much best friends (especially fugi ones, I could eat those all day) and pears and I, well we get along, I wouldn't invite a pear to dinner, but we're civil and all. However I will no longer store my pears and apples in the same drawer in the fridge for fear of them creating some Frankenstein-like monstrosity such as the apple-pear. The texture was a pretty perfect in-between of a soft pear and a crisp apple. The middle of it look as follows:
There are no seeds, but it still has that hard skin-like center similar to the one in an apple. I only ate until what you see because I couldn't bear to eat anymore. There is a hint of apple flavor and a slightly larger hint of pear flavor but over all I was reminded of the flavor one tastes when biting into a raw potato. Not my cup of hot cocoa at all! However the trip to Wal-Mart was not wasted, I was able to also try the new flavor of Mountain Dew (White Out) It's pretty good. It's taste resembles a mixture of squirt and fresca. Overall a lovely new flavor of that good ol mountain dew. I look forward to tomorrow when I am able to return to Wal-Mart and buy Despicable Me which comes out tomorrow (or I guess right now technically) and is (in my opinion) probably the best animated movie of all time. Oh Wal-Mart, how you make my life better and worse at the same time.