Friday, November 14, 2008

R! S! T!

For those of you who don't know what RST is it stands for Ready Set Teach. It's a program through the school that allows juniors and seniors to be an intern in the world of education. I do want to be a teacher. I have since I was little (well after I realized a store checker wouldn't get me very far with only 8 bucks an hour, come on I was 4) so upon coming to this school I decided to enroll in this class which is suppose to help you learn to work with children and also to give you a little bit of firsthand experience in the teaching field. Well today was our second visit to our assigned classes,my first visit wasn't what I had expected, I sat in the back of the class room and graded papers for the teacher I was helping, I didn't get to talk to the class and Mrs. * didn't talk to me all that much either. So I didn't have very good feelings toward the teacher I was stuck with. I was supposed to help the kids with their work and eventually teach them a few lessons. So today I didn't expect much from it. Well I went today and we started out in the computer lab. It started out good and Mrs. * said i could walk around and help the kids with their math games and talk to them a little bit just to get to know them better. So I walked around and talked to some of the kids. I am in a 3rd grade class and the kids are only about 8 and 9 so they are still young and cute. Then the little boy that I was talking to needed help on his game so I went over. This class is a math class, which btw is my worst subject ever but hey it's 3rd grade right? can't be too hard can it? Well apparently it can. He was playing a math game which was based on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" and the computer asks you math related questions and you have to try to answer them and get up to a million dollars. So the question was about decimals, you had to choose the decimal with a 6 in the tenths place and a 7 in the thousandths place. and the numbers were .067 .607 .760 and .067 So not really thinking i said it's .067....well that was wrong. I totally had a brain fart and thought that there was a ones place in decimals...well there technically is but not to the right of the he got it wrong and he was one away from getting the million dollar prize...I felt bad and I was like "I'm so sorry buddy I didn't think about it enough" he was nice though and was like it's ok, you did your best, so then i was like "aww this little kid is so cute." they all were. So then after we left the computer lab I went with them back to their class and i took the lower math group outside to work on their division. There was this little boy who was such a cute kid but he had ADHD and he forgot to take his medication that morning (or so Mrs. * had told me anyways) and so he could not focus to save his life he was funny though. He would be talking about one thing and just in the middle of it all he would all of a sudden change was so funny. After that we went back to school and my day went back to being boring.

I was also the cow yesterday, this time I was actually at chick-fil-a though. It was really fun and all the kids were attacking me and pulling my tail and trying to lift up the shirt on the cow so they could "see who was really underneath there" so I had to dissapear for a bit until things calmed down a bit. Then we all had a chicken dance competition and it was way fun. It was muey caliente in there though.

well I'm off to the library to find some good books.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Cow goes Moo

So it's been a while since I've updated this...I know I know I have no excuse even if this is like the 1st time I've had more than an hour on the computer all week. Well I would first like to inform all of you (two people who actually read this) that I have been unofficially promoted to team leader at Chick- Fil-A. I know hold your applause. I say unofficial because all of the candidates for the position are doing the work of team leader but only a few will actually become one. So wish me luck. I would also like to inform you that I am the new cow at the Chick-Fil-A events that we do (football games, promo events, parties, etc.) So next time you see that CFA cow kicking a field goal at the UT games it might just be me.

I got a car...I don't know if that has been mentioned previously but I did. It is a White 2001 Ford Escort. It's a trusty little car and while I didn't like it at first I've grown fond of it and I like zipping around town in it. It is white though which was probably my biggest problem at first. White in my opinion is a waste of a paint well it isn't even a color it is the absence of one. I know that white is the color of purity and all, which makes sense so i'm not dogging white, it's a nice...fake...color, Purity is the absence of evil therefore colors are evil and it makes sense that white would signify purity...that's probably why the amish wear white and black....cuz they think colors are evil...which is odd but no offense to them, not that they'd ever read this because of the whole no technology thing.

So it is 11 o clock and i'm pretty tired and I should go to bed before I get really tired so that I can't wake up for seminary tomorrow and then I am grounded from my little color deprived car. I'll just end with the story of my day yesterday. So I woke up at 6:30 to my mom screaming "BRIANNA YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK!" So then I sit up freaking out and I look at my clock to see just how late I am and I realize that I am not late. I was supposed to be to work at 7 am yesterday to don my Cow suit and go dance like a fool with little children who are somewhat afraid of me. Seeing as how it was only 6:30 i told my mom to stop screaming I still had 30 minutes to get there. To be fair I can see how she thought I was late, you see even though daylight savings time was last Sunday my clock still reads the time from before it ended. I do not change my clock to match the time changes of daylight savings time...I think it is a waste of two or three minutes (depending if the minute has just changed and I have to wait for the next minute to be as close to the time on my phone as possible) I alsp think it helps me to get up on time better, you see, I wake up at 5:45 every morning. So when I in fact hear my alarm clock go off and my clock says 6:45 I think I am late and I hurry, it is a way that I trick myself into being on time for seminary. Then of course when DST begins my clock is already where it is supposed to be just in time for summer when I lose all care of what time it is. Anyways so I leave for work in my gym shorts and my spiffy CFA shirt and I get there at 7. I end up having to wait for a bit and then we are off to The Cowboy Jesus Breakfast. I do not call it that in any disrespect to the Savior that is actually what the event was called. Anyway I helped set up our booth where we were handing out free breakfast chicken biscuit sandwiches and then I changed into the cow. I believe I'm much like superman. I walk into the bathroom a regular person and I come out completely transformed into someone that makes people happy (with a few exceptions that are afraid of me, i mean come on I am a GIANT COW after all you can't help but feel a little nervous) The cow suit, let me tell you, is probably my favorite position to be in for a few reasons. 1) I don't have to wear my uniform 2) I don't have to talk to people that make me mad 3) I get to act and dance like a fool and no one knows who I am (aside from the people I work with but in that case it's a good thing) So they had a live band there playing Christian country songs when the manager is like "Bree go out and dance with the little kids" So of course I do, this is a hard task seeing as how I am a giant cow and the shoes I have to wear are like wearing those swimming flippers where you can't walk heel to toe because they are so huge and you have to really life your knees to dance. I am clumsey enough without adding a huge cow head and flipper size cow "hoofs" luckily I made it through the event without falling on my face. I'm trying to acquire some of the pictures so as to be able to add them on here. You will know when I have succeded. Well thanks for tuning in to the whole story if you've made it this far. More Cow tales to come. ( I think i'm doing another event on Saturday) Keep it Real

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why yesterday sucked so bad

So for mutual last night we were supposed to have a focus night (each girl picks a thing that they enjoy and they get a whole night to demonstrate and teach the other girls) so of course I picked the guitar. I probably should tell you that i have a job now, at Chick-fil-a and don't get me wrong it is a great job, I LOVE it! I work with some great people (others not so much) and it isn't too difficult. The only problem is I have way too many hours. I work like 25-30 a week...with school and stuff the combination isn't too great. So I asked for Wednesdays off so that i could still go to mutual and the manager said that was fine and that if i was ever scheduled just to let her know so that she could fix it. So on Monday I checked the work schedule and I wasn't working on Wednesday, well I guess i didn't look at the date or something because it wasn't this week's schedule, it was still last weeks schedule and it hadn't been changed yet. So I get this call at 6 last night from my team leader telling me I was an hour late for work. I told him I wasn't working and that I had wednesdays off but he insisted Iwas scheduled and that I needed to come in ASAP. I told him I had to teach the lesson for a church thing and I couldn't come in. He said they really needed me and that I really needed to come in. So i said fine i'll have to cancel on my other plans i'll be there in 20 minutes. When i got there I saw that I was scheduled and I was so mad. They didn't even really need me but there I was. I was mad about the call that while I was getting dressed I just broke down and started crying...I don't even know why! I wasn't in trouble or anything. I was really excited to teach guitar though and because of work I didn't get to do it so I was really sad about that, I ended up having to call my leader and explain that I couldn't make it and I felt bad and I wa angry that I hadn't been able to go to the one thing I'd been looking forward to all day. My mom ended up filling in for me so it wasn't too bad but now I missed out and I'm still mad. Otherwise work is alright I guess. It gets in the way of schoolwork so I think I'll need to cut down on my hours a bit so I can graduate next year and go to a college I want to go to. Well I have to give a talk on Sunday and I have to do my homework. CYA

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Once Upon a Time in a City 3 Hours Away from Mckinney

So I've moved! If you're reading this and you're like "what when did that happen?" you are disowned as my friend cuz i've been gone for like 2 weeks. I know it's been awhile since I got on last, but i've been pretty busy (that's a lie I've done nothing for 2 weeks) and Leander is just so great I don't miss McKinney at all (that's an even bigger lie, I hate Leander (ok hate's a strong word) and I miss Mckinney more than anything...specially Hannah Hagee and Lorin and everyone else I know like Harrison) We finally unpacked our house...pretty sure I said we moved to Cedar Park (I gotta stop lying...we live in Leander) Our house is great and all but it's just not the same. My room will be super cool though. I've made like 5 friends...they're all guys cuz they are nicer and talk to me unlike the girls. I met this guy who looks like Harry Potter and Dr. Crane from Batman mixed in one. I think he's so cute...nice too. Yeah me and this other kid i met are gonna start a band (with two members haha) it'll be awesome. I still miss everyone from Mckinney and school really has been tough without all of em an such. Oh so I have a story to tell...STORY MINUTE!!

Ok so my mom and I decide to go running (yes i did run thank you) and i'm all gettin my shoes on and stuff and I've got my Ipod all ready to go and I'm excited and gonna have this new running schedule so i can have some physical excercise in my mind (I've ran once since and this was two wednesday's ago) and so I'm walking down the driveway and something leaps out of the grass (bout as big as a computer the normal sized ones you see at school, not like those huge ones that you control with the ball that sits on top of it or anything) and I step on it becuase my reflexes are slow and all and i didn't have time to move my foot. So i step on this unidentified object like with all 100lbs (give or take 30, prefer you'd take) of me and I hear this nasty squelching sound (kinda sounded like....I don't even know what it sounded like it was the most horrible noise ever) and i had my ipod on and i was listening to it so that should tell you how loud this noise was...and i was like "woah what was that? what did i just step on?" So like without thinking I totally reach down to grab it (what was i thinking?!?!?!)_ So i touch it with two of my fingers when my eyes suddenly focus in the dark...IT WAS A FROG! I had totally just killed a frog and then touched it...I didn't even just kill it...i squished it...I felt so bad and sick I seriously almost puked right then and there....I had trouble holding it down. It was the most nasty moment of my life....even worse than the time we dissected frogs in class (cuz i didn't have to touch it) After the sickness passed and i was running i just felt so guilty for killing it...I was so sad even though i don't like was horrible...Poor Frog. On a Happier note I might be getting a car pretty soon and I'm looking for a job so hopefully I get that too. Well that's all i've got today. OH i've started Midnight Sun from Stephenie Meyer's site...IT'S AMAZING!!!! I might even like it better than Twilight. I'm so mad about whoever leaked the draft online Edward's fury towards the men who wanted to kill Bella when she went with Jess and Angela is nothing compared to what i want to do to them (well ok that was a little intense but i'm still mad and if ever faced with the person who did it I would probably just glare at them intensely from afar) It makes me mad though. Poor Steph...I love her writing, it's so amazing. I've decided to start collecting autographs....I start Monday =) G'Night loves....

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Yea alright so i didn't get on the day after i posted my last post but who even reads this anyways? so who cares right? well i no longer am paranoid from watching law and order which is good. We found a house! yay....sigh. Well we found a great house in Cedar Park (it's like an hour out of austin i think) it's a little bigger than mine which is good as you might guess =). My mom says i can paint whatever i want in my bedroom...i'm thinking of taking up painting and doing a batman mural...i think it'd be pretty awesome...only problem? i've never painted more than watercolor so hopefully it turns out the way i want :D. Anyways the title says hair so i might as well tell you why i chose that matter what I try to do my hair never turns out the way i picture it in my head. I got it cut today and i loved the picture i had in my head...but sadly my hair cutting lady is not phsychic and she could not read my mind (they ought to teach that in cosmo school) and well mom says it looks like a mullet :( speaking of mullets we went camping on tuesday to Turner Falls (love that place) and i saw this lady with a mullet and the back part was soooo long and it was braided so it looked like she just had really short hair all around but in reality there was this hunormous braid (like to her butt) it was totally crazy....anyways so now i'm sitting here with dye in my hair waiting for my time to wash it out....i hope i get the color i wanted...i've colored it like 2 times before and i'm pretty sure it didn't change the color so hopefully i achieve the color i am aiming for...if not...well i'll have a really ugly mullet. Well we have a showing so this is where i leave you. I really don't see the point...someone else is already buying our house...why are we still showing it??? Whatever. Ciao.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

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Am I a little bit paranoid?

So my new recently favorite show to watch is Law and Order: SVU. I tribute my new found love to the Hagee family for turning me onto this wonderful but yet horrifyingly scary new obsession. I know that it is a terrible show filled with terrible people committing terrible crimes but I can't stop watching it, I find it so fascinating. Well as I mentioned before I am house sitting for my neighbor down the street and one comfort they have at their house that I don't have the pleasure to have at home is DVR. I love this awesome little box that will record whatever I want to watch at any time of day and even while I'm watching other shows. Well I noticed that Law and Order came on at the same time as That 70's show and I decided I would watch that 70's show live and then record Law and Order and watch it later (because of course they always switch to a commercial when it's getting really suspenseful and then I could just skip the commercials! Great idea no?) So the other night I'd had like 4 episodes that I had recorded and I sat down with my whole box of pizza (that I'd had delivered because I was feeling pretty independent living alone for a week and decided to order a box of pizza rather than cook something...I'll have you know I finished that whole box of pizza too...over a few days but nonetheless)So I'm watching my episodes and all of the sudden I hear one of the dogs bark upstairs. Well let me tell you something about these dogs...there were two of them at the house with me...both deaf, one of them was fully blind and the other was blind in one eye and had poor sight in the other. So I'm thinking to myself...what in the world could make those dogs bark unless something were to touch them?! So then I'm thinking maybe they ran into each other or something. It's all good, but THEN I hear the other dog a different room. So the two dogs are on opposite ends of the house and they are both barking. I'm starting to get a little afraid at this moment because first of all I'm watching a show that is primarily about all of the bad things that can happen to a girl when she is alone and second of all what the heck causes blind/deaf dogs to bark like crazy? So of course I immediately think someone is in the house. Have you ever watched a scary movie? I LOVE scary movies because I love the adrenaline feeling you get when you are scared. Another thing I like to do is talk during scary movies. I do this for two reasons the 1st reason is it kind of gives me a false bravado appearance, if i can find things to laugh at during a movie I feel a little bit safer and people think that I am unaffected by the intensity of the scary situations in the movie. The 2ND reason I do this is because I think that deep down the people on the screen can actually hear what I'm yelling at them. So often during a movie you might hear me say "don't go in there you stupid head! You're gonna die" Alas they end up going in the ominously dark room and end up dying...If only they'd listen to me. Well I decided something on this particular night. YOU CAN'T HELP BUT GO IN THERE! I was sitting on the couch, trying to ignore the barking dogs and continue watching the show that was putting these horrible ideas in my head, but I decided to go upstairs and see what the deal was. Well I couldn't work up enough courage to go up there, but I also couldn't work up enough sense to not go up there. So I looked around for some sort of weapon that I could beat any intruder with...I found a nine-iron golf club leaning against the wall next to the TV (what it was doing there in the first place I'll never know) So I took up my defense and slowly made my way to the stairs...I was calling the dogs names (as if the deaf dogs could even hear me) and all of the sudden the one on my left stopped barking...well now I'm thinking that the danged dog is dead, so now I'm REALLY starting to panic. I've reached the top of the stairs. I lean over to the light switch. I turn the switch...lights stay off. "OH MY GOSH THEY'VE CUT THE POWER!" (I guess I didn't realize that all the lights were still on downstairs) So now I'm really freaking heart is beating really fast and I'm about to start sobbing. Then all of the sudden I hear a noise coming from the room that I believe a poor animal has just been murdered in (seeing as how I thought the dog was dead I pretty much was convinced there was a man in there about to come kill me.) So I say "I'm sorry Bella (the other dog's name) I've got to go, I hope you're still alive tomorrow" I bolt down the stairs (still clutching my golf club) and grab the keys to their pretty red Mazda and sprint to the garage...I get in the car and begin to think...What if there is a group of people outside waiting for me?! It seems to take forever for the garage to open enough to slip the car out onto the driveway. My eyes frantically search the entire yard and nearby street to make sure there is no sort of large creepy vans nearby and as soon as I hit the street I slam that car into drive, shut the garage and speed towards my house (about 50 yards away mind you) I am sobbing at this point and I reach my door (still believing I have a mob of serial rapists chasing after me) and start pounding on the door of my house (it's about 3 in the morning at this point) my mom answers the door in her PJ's looking really angry and maybe a little bit afraid..when she sees me her face turns to concern as she takes in my tear streaked face. After telling my story my mom asks if I actually saw anyone "well no, I didn't mom" then she asked what I was watching on TV. "Law and Order:SVU" well at that moment I think she put my track record of paranoid tendencies and the show I was watching together and told me to go to bed. Which I did...right there on the entryway floor. The next day I made my mother come over there with me to make sure the dogs weren't dead and that there was nobody in the house (Neither proved to be true) I'm happy to say I'm still alive and so are the dogs...although my mom doesn't think anyone was there and my overactive imagination got the best of me..I still wonder if i was inches away from death...

Day one

Well today has been rather boring...actually that's kind of the story of my summer so far. We still haven't moved yet which is like a double edged sword, i mean i really don't want to move if given the chance to sell my soul in order to not move...actually I'd probably say no a soul is kind of thing that strikes me as needed but if i had to give up Grape soda in order to stay here I'd do it, and that's kind of a big deal for me, but I'm also sort of ready for change, all my friends seem alright with it so why should i feel any different right? I got asked on a date today though, that should be fun. I now have a certain obsession with Law and Order: SVU thanks to a certain family in my ward coughhageescough. I've become quite paranoid since that latest obsession...lets just say i will not be walking around outside by myself at night anymore and C.P. down the street...probably won't wave to him or stop to talk to him anymore while he walks his dogs. On the other hand i am house/dog sitting for out police officer neighbor down the street, I've basically moved in here. Why wouldn't I? They have cable and working high speed Internet and a car that officer Kevin said i could use if i needed it...of course my mom shot down that idea with the same gun she used to shoot down my dream of becoming a race car driver. Man i hope that metaphoric gun runs out of bullets soon. I think she has a certain car complex or something. Well i think that is all for today. I consider that enough for one day as should you, of course i may never get on this again unless i'm that case i will see you sad is my life? Please don't answer that.